

Yoga has played a role in relaxation and gentle exercise for some people with Alzheimer's, according to the Alzheimer's Association Massachusetts/New Hampshire chapter. A study released last year during the Alzheimer's Association's International Conference on the Prevention of Dementia in Washington, D.C., found that regular meditation can bolster cognitive function for people with memory loss. In this regard, Patrice Flesch (South End Yoga) has been teaching yoga classes at the Boston Alzheimer's center for eight years. She is a pioneer in this area. Patrice alters poses and movements from her traditional yoga to make them more cognitive.
More research is needed to determine how Yoga techniques can reliably be used to improve cognitive performance and possibly aid in treating and even preventing Alzheimer's Disease.

Information available in Spanish
Reference (The Boston Globe)


Anonymous said...

Found your blog. I love all the wonderful information on Alzheimer's. I will visit often. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Felicidades Fátima por la labor que estás haciendo.
Animo y continua, la información que aportes será es inestimable.

maria rosa.

maria rosa-prem prabha said...

Hola Fátima, te importa que haga un comentario en mi blog sobre el tuyo y los resultados de la practica de yoga y meditación en los enfermos de Alzheimer?
un abrazo,