
2nd International Clinical Linguistic Conference

Madrid 2009
November 11,12,13

Main topics

* Clinical phonetics and phonology
* Clinical grammar
* Clinical linguistics and lexical-semantical aspects
* Clinical linguistics and pragmatics
* Clinical sociolinguistics
* Language acquisition and development, and Clinical Linguistics: L1 and L2
* New technologies for language acquisition and development in clinical situations
* Assessment, treatment, description of language disorders
* Brain and language

Abstract submission (oral presentations and posters): From October 1st. to April, 15th. 2009

Acceptance confirmation: April, 30th. 2009
Full text submission: June, 15th. 2009

Link: more information


Anonymous said...

Dear Fatima,
I was happy to find your blog. I had been in touch with Teun in 2003 because of my PhD thesis in the area of discourse of persons with Alzheimer's disease, like you. Now I have been travelling a lot, involved with post-docs in Sweden and Portugal, so it has been a while since I havent been in touch with Teun. I am thinking about attending the conference in Madrid and I would love to meet you there, as well as Teun, if he goes too. Also, the conference in Viena seems interesting. Will you go? Best regards,

Anonymous said...

By the way, my email is lenisabrandao@hotmail.com !