
Integrated approach to yoga therapy and autism spectrum disorders in communication


A specially designed Integrated Approach to Yoga Therapy module was applied to Autism Spectrum Disorders over a period of two academic years. Despite low numbers (six in each arm), consistency and magnitude of effects make the findings significant. Parental participation, allowing firm guidance to be given to each child, resulted in significant improvements in imitation and other skills, and in behavior at home and family relationships. We hypothesize that guided imitation of therapist body positions stimulated mirror neuron activation, resulting in improved sense of self.

Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, communication, integrated approach to yoga therapy, social and imitation skills

Radhakrishna S, Nagarathna R, Nagendra HR. Integrated approach to yoga therapy and autism spectrum disorders. J Ayurveda Integr Med [serial online] 2010 [cited 2011 Oct 10];1:120-4. Available from: http://www.jaim.in/text.asp?2010/1/2/120/65089

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